Phi is the angle of the Torus' body, theta the angle of the circle in the centre of the Torus. This means that the whole extent is [-Radius - BodyRadius, Radius + BodyRadius] and the diameter of the inner whole is 2 * (Radius - BodyRadius). The other parameters should be clear by their names.
#ifndef VTKTORUSSOURCE_H #define VTKTORUSSOURCE_H #include "vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h" #define VTK_MAX_TORUS_RESOLUTION 1024 class VTK_GRAPHICS_EXPORT vtkTorusSource : public vtkPolyDataAlgorithm { public: vtkTypeMacro(vtkTorusSource, vtkPolyDataAlgorithm); void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent); // Description: // Construct torus with default resolution 8 in both Phi // and Theta directions. Theta ranges from (0,360) and phi (0,360) degrees. static vtkTorusSource *New(); // Description: Radius of the center circle of the torus // Set radius of sphere. Default is 2. => together with BodyRadius this gives an // outer radius of 3 vtkSetClampMacro(Radius,double,0.0,VTK_DOUBLE_MAX); vtkGetMacro(Radius,double); // Description: Radius of the body of the torus // Set radius of sphere. Default is 1. vtkSetClampMacro(BodyRadius,double,0.0,VTK_DOUBLE_MAX); vtkGetMacro(BodyRadius,double); // Description: // Set the center of the sphere. Default is 0,0,0. vtkSetVector3Macro(Center,double); vtkGetVectorMacro(Center,double,3); // Description: // Set the number of points in the longitude direction (ranging from // StartTheta to EndTheta). vtkSetClampMacro(ThetaResolution,int,3,VTK_MAX_TORUS_RESOLUTION); vtkGetMacro(ThetaResolution,int); // Description: // Set the number of points in the latitude direction (ranging // from StartPhi to EndPhi). vtkSetClampMacro(PhiResolution,int,3,VTK_MAX_TORUS_RESOLUTION); vtkGetMacro(PhiResolution,int); // Description: // Set the starting longitude angle. By default StartTheta=0 degrees. vtkSetClampMacro(StartTheta,double,0.0,360.0); vtkGetMacro(StartTheta,double); // Description: // Set the ending longitude angle. By default EndTheta=360 degrees. vtkSetClampMacro(EndTheta,double,0.0,360.0); vtkGetMacro(EndTheta,double); // Description: // Set the starting latitude angle (0 is at north pole). By default // StartPhi=0 degrees. vtkSetClampMacro(StartPhi,double,0.0,360.0); vtkGetMacro(StartPhi,double); // Description: // Set the ending latitude angle. By default EndPhi=360 degrees. vtkSetClampMacro(EndPhi,double,0.0,360.0); vtkGetMacro(EndPhi,double); protected: vtkTorusSource(); int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *); int RequestInformation(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *); double Radius; double BodyRadius; double Center[3]; int ThetaResolution; int PhiResolution; double StartTheta; double EndTheta; double StartPhi; double EndPhi; private: vtkTorusSource(const vtkTorusSource&); // Not implemented. void operator=(const vtkTorusSource&); // Not implemented. }; #endif // VTKTORUSSOURCE_HvtkTorusSource.cxxUPDATE: Fixed calculation of normals.#include "vtkTorusSource.h" #include <vtkObjectFactory.h> #include <vtkPointData.h> #include <vtkPoints.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkDataObject.h> #include <vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h> #include <vtkInformation.h> #include <vtkInformationVector.h> #include <vtkFloatArray.h> #include <vtkCellArray.h> #include <vtkMath.h> vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkTorusSource); vtkTorusSource::vtkTorusSource() : vtkPolyDataAlgorithm() { Radius = 2.; BodyRadius = 1.; Center[0] = 0.0; Center[1] = 0.0; Center[2] = 0.0; ThetaResolution = 8; PhiResolution = 8; StartTheta = 0.0; EndTheta = 360.0; StartPhi = 0.0; EndPhi = 360.0; this->SetNumberOfInputPorts(0); } int vtkTorusSource::RequestData( vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request), vtkInformationVector **vtkNotUsed(inputVector), vtkInformationVector *outputVector) { // get the info object vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0); // get the ouptut vtkPolyData *output = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast( outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); int i, j; int jStart, jEnd; int numPts, numPolys; vtkPoints *newPoints; vtkFloatArray *newNormals; vtkCellArray *newPolys; double x[3], n[3], deltaPhi, deltaTheta, phi, theta, radius, norm; double startTheta, endTheta, startPhi, endPhi; int base, thetaResolution, phiResolution; vtkIdType pts[4]; int piece = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_PIECE_NUMBER()); int numPieces = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_NUMBER_OF_PIECES()); if (numPieces > ThetaResolution) { numPieces = ThetaResolution; } if (piece >= numPieces) { // Although the super class should take care of this, // it cannot hurt to check here. return 1; } // I want to modify the ivars resoultion start theta and end theta, // so I will make local copies of them. THese might be able to be merged // with the other copies of them, ... int localThetaResolution = ThetaResolution; double localStartTheta = StartTheta; double localEndTheta = EndTheta; while (localEndTheta < localStartTheta) { localEndTheta += 360.0; } deltaTheta = (localEndTheta - localStartTheta) / localThetaResolution; // Change the ivars based on pieces. int start, end; start = piece * localThetaResolution / numPieces; end = (piece+1) * localThetaResolution / numPieces; localEndTheta = localStartTheta + (double)(end) * deltaTheta; localStartTheta = localStartTheta + (double)(start) * deltaTheta; localThetaResolution = end - start; // Set things up; allocate memory // vtkDebugMacro("TorusSource Executing piece index " << piece << " of " << numPieces << " pieces."); numPts = this->PhiResolution * localThetaResolution + 2; numPolys = this->PhiResolution * 2 * localThetaResolution; newPoints = vtkPoints::New(); newPoints->Allocate(numPts); newNormals = vtkFloatArray::New(); newNormals->SetNumberOfComponents(3); newNormals->Allocate(3*numPts); newNormals->SetName("Normals"); newPolys = vtkCellArray::New(); newPolys->Allocate(newPolys->EstimateSize(numPolys, 4)); // Check data, determine increments, and convert to radians startTheta = (localStartTheta < localEndTheta ? localStartTheta : localEndTheta); startTheta *= vtkMath::Pi() / 180.0; endTheta = (localEndTheta > localStartTheta ? localEndTheta : localStartTheta); endTheta *= vtkMath::Pi() / 180.0; startPhi = (this->StartPhi < this->EndPhi ? this->StartPhi : this->EndPhi); startPhi *= vtkMath::Pi() / 180.0; endPhi = (this->EndPhi > this->StartPhi ? this->EndPhi : this->StartPhi); endPhi *= vtkMath::Pi() / 180.0; phiResolution = this->PhiResolution; deltaPhi = (endPhi - startPhi) / (this->PhiResolution - 1); thetaResolution = localThetaResolution; if (fabs(localStartTheta - localEndTheta) < 360.0) { ++localThetaResolution; } deltaTheta = (endTheta - startTheta) / thetaResolution; jStart = 0; jEnd = PhiResolution; this->UpdateProgress(0.1); // Create intermediate points for (i = 0; i < localThetaResolution; ++i) { theta = localStartTheta * vtkMath::Pi() / 180.0 + i * deltaTheta; for (j = jStart; j < jEnd; ++j) { phi = startPhi + j * deltaPhi; n[0] = BodyRadius * cos(phi) * cos(theta); n[1] = BodyRadius * sin(phi) * sin(theta); n[2] = BodyRadius * sin(phi); x[0] = (Radius + BodyRadius * cos(phi)) * cos(theta); x[1] = (Radius + BodyRadius * cos(phi)) * sin(theta); x[2] = BodyRadius * sin(phi); newPoints->InsertNextPoint(x); if ( (norm = vtkMath::Norm(n)) == 0.0 ) { norm = 1.0; } n[0] /= norm; n[1] /= norm; n[2] /= norm; newNormals->InsertNextTuple(n); } this->UpdateProgress (0.10 + 0.50 * i / static_cast<float>(localThetaResolution)); } // Generate mesh connectivity base = phiResolution * localThetaResolution; if (fabs(localStartTheta - localEndTheta) < 360.0) { --localThetaResolution; } this->UpdateProgress (0.70); for (i = 0; i < localThetaResolution; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < (phiResolution - 1); ++j) { pts[1] = phiResolution * i + j; pts[0] = pts[1] + 1; pts[3] = ((phiResolution * (i + 1) + j) % base) + 1; pts[2] = pts[3] - 1; newPolys->InsertNextCell(4, pts); } this->UpdateProgress (0.70 + 0.30 * i / static_cast<double>(localThetaResolution)); } // Update ourselves and release memory // newPoints->Squeeze(); output->SetPoints(newPoints); newPoints->Delete(); newNormals->Squeeze(); output->GetPointData()->SetNormals(newNormals); newNormals->Delete(); newPolys->Squeeze(); output->SetPolys(newPolys); newPolys->Delete(); return 1; } void vtkTorusSource::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); os << indent << "Theta Resolution: " << ThetaResolution << "\n"; os << indent << "Phi Resolution: " << PhiResolution << "\n"; os << indent << "Theta Start: " << StartTheta << "\n"; os << indent << "Phi Start: " << StartPhi << "\n"; os << indent << "Theta End: " << EndTheta << "\n"; os << indent << "Phi End: " << EndPhi << "\n"; os << indent << "Radius: " << Radius << "\n"; os << indent << "BodyRadius: " << BodyRadius << "\n"; os << indent << "Center: (" << Center[0] << ", " << Center[1] << ", " << Center[2] << ")\n"; } int vtkTorusSource::RequestInformation( vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request), vtkInformationVector **vtkNotUsed(inputVector), vtkInformationVector *outputVector) { // get the info object vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0); outInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PIECES(), -1); outInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_BOUNDING_BOX(), Center[0] - Radius - BodyRadius, Center[0] + Radius + BodyRadius, Center[1] - Radius - BodyRadius, Center[1] + Radius + BodyRadius, Center[2] - BodyRadius, Center[2] + BodyRadius); return 1; }
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